Data-Based Decision Making, GAINS cycle graphic, features gather, analyze, intentionally act & analzye again, notice & adust, and systematically repeat.
EF 2 and GAINS Step 2Actions
Educators implement a process for examining and interpreting data = Analyze.Develop a purposeful data analysis system.


Identify a common problem and relate it to a learning goal or target.

Predict a link to teacher practice.

Developing a Purposeful Data Analysis System

After your team selects what data to analyze, the next decision is how your team will analyze the data.  By establishing a system, teams can be efficient when looking at data.  Three important elements need to be considered:

  • meeting guidelines,
  • a meeting protocol, and
  • a meeting agenda.

Meeting Guidelines

Setting meeting guidelines helps teams focus on their goal and shared values. Meeting guidelines should be

  • Individualized to the group.
  • Overarching thoughts and considerations about how the team will approach the data.
  • Approached differently from norms, which address basic codes of behavior.

Guiding Questions

  • What do we expect students to learn?
  • How will we know students are learning?
  • How will we respond to students who are not learning?

Sample Meeting Guidelines

  • We value student outcomes as important for improving achievement.
  • We are accountable for evaluating and modifying our instructional practices in ways that meet students’ needs based on the data.
  • We work collaboratively because we know it helps us to better understand our students’ learning needs.

Meeting Protocols

A meeting protocol guides teams through specific data analysis steps.  Using a protocol that includes goals and a step-by-step process ensures data analysis is more thorough and consistent.  In this sample data meeting agenda, each step is an element that will help the team dig into the data; it’s their data analysis protocol embedded into the meeting agenda.

Sample Data Meeting Agenda/Protocol

  • Before the meeting: Each team member has a copy of the latest classroom data, has reviewed it and brings a copy to the meeting.

  • Introduction (2 min): Begin the meeting.

  • Sharing (5 min): Successes and ideas.

  • Current Challenges (5 min): Focus areas.

  • Proposed Solutions (10 min): Brainstorm strategies as a team.

  • Action Plan (10 min): Agree on a strategy.

  • Closing the meeting (5 min): Debrief and summarize.

  • After the meeting: Distribute notes and summaries.

Meeting Agenda

A meeting agenda outlines the flow and goals of the meeting.  A meeting agenda should

  • Keep the team on track during the meeting.
  • Include talking points.
  • Address team questions.
  • Be collaboratively developed.
  • Be accessible to team members prior to the meeting.
  • Change from meeting to meeting (guidelines and protocols generally do not change from meeting to meeting).

Review the Sample Meeting Guidelines (https://www.moedu-sail.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/DBDM-Workbook_Sample_Meeting_Guidelines-2019.pdf), Protocol and Agenda Handout (https://www.moedu-sail.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/DBDM-Workbook_Sample_Meeting_Protocol-2019.pdf), and reflect on the strengths and needs of your teams’ current Data Analysis System.