When information about students is provided in a timely, useful manner, every adult working with a child is able to support that student’s learning more effectively.

Data Quality Campaign, 2016

Data about teaching and learning can transform educational practices.  Teams that collaborate to use a continuous cycle of regularly collecting data, examining instruction, and reflecting on the data can ensure every child succeeds.  Therefore, effective DBDM models address four essential functions:

  • Collaboration,
  • Data reflection,
  • Instructional planning, and
  • Reflection.

Below are five key recommendations from Using Student Achievement Data to Support Instructional Decision Making (Hamilton, Halverson, Jackson, Mandinach, Supovitz & Wayman, 2009).

Why are they important?

  • Make data part of an ongoing cycle of instructional improvement.
  • Teach students to examine their own data and set learning goals.
  • Establish a school-wide data process that involves a clear focus, team approach, and supportive leadership.
  • Build data support processes to cultivate a school-wide data-driven culture.
  • Develop and maintain a district-wide data system.


Can you Define these Key Terms?

DBDM Process

DBDM Process

The specific approach taken to use data to make informed decisions. The steps in this continuous cycle include collaborating to decide what data to collect, examining and interpreting data, determining instructional action steps, and using data to reflect and adjust.



Information, both descriptive and numerical, that can be analyzed and used to make informed decisions.

Data Meeting Protocol

Data Meeting Protocol

A series of specific steps and considerations a data team uses to analyze data during meetings.

Evidence of Learning

Evidence of Learning

Information gathered that affirms learning has taken place.

Instructional Action Plan (IAP)

Instructional Action Plan (IAP)

A detailed proposed strategy for improving instruction in order to achieve the best possible student outcomes.

Instructional Change

Instructional Change

Implementation of a different or revised instructional approach.

Impact of Instructional Change

Impact of Instructional Change

The effect or influence resulting from implementation of a different or revised instructional approach.

 Click here to download a copy of the Data-Based Decision Making Key Terms (