
This lesson describes the process of developing classroom procedures and routines. Schoolwide expectations and specific classroom behaviors/rules set teachers up to take the next step and clarify procedures for their individual classroom settings or activities. Having well thought out procedures is one of the most important ways to protect instructional time.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify and develop classroom procedures.
  • Plan for implementation of procedures to create routines.

Reflective Questions

  • What procedures are needed in your classroom?
  • How do you develop procedures into routines?
  • What are your current procedures for classroom transitions?

Defining Terms

Procedures – methods or process for how things are done in non-classroom settings and each classroom. Procedures make it clear how things operate in your classroom as opposed to other classrooms, such as where and how to turn in work, where and how to get needed materials, where and how to store personal items in the classroom, etc.

Routine – a regular course of procedure; habitual performance of a procedure.  Routines are the regular process of enacting procedures.  Once students know how things are done, they can perform them with confidence and fluency.

Classroom procedures are the method or routine to follow to successfully accomplish a classroom activity. Classroom procedures are patterns for accomplishing classroom tasks. Procedures break down classroom behavior/rules into teachable steps. When these steps are taught and reinforced, over time they become established routines that help students meet classroom behaviors/rules.