
This lesson describes the process of developing a tangible reinforcement system to enhance the use of specific positive feedback and the development of a menu, or continuum, of positive reinforcement that serves to motivate all students. Reinforcement for staff implementing SW-PBS components will also be covered.


By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Develop a tangible reinforcement system to enhance use of specific positive feedback.
  • Develop and implement an effective menu or continuum of positive reinforcement that serves to motivate all students across settings.


This lesson is designed for Tier 1 SW-PBS Leadership Teams that have completed the schoolwide matrix and have systems in place to teach expected behavior. For more information on these topics, please see previous Tier 1 Courses: Clarifying Expected Behavior and Teaching Expecting Behavior. In addition, completion of the previous lesson, Specific Positive Feedback, is essential.

Reflective Questions

  • In what way are you extrinsically motivated?
  • Why should you consider developing and using tangible reinforcers in your school?”