Professional Development

The MMD/DCI approach to professional development relies on a coordinated system that includes the following elements for all educators in a district.


Evidence-based materials, assembled as professional learning modules, were developed to provide a theoretical and applied understanding of eight important educational practices. This project promotes the use of all eight practices together as a cohesive framework for improving teaching and learning. Read more by clicking here.


When a district decides on its focus practices from the MMD/DCI Content Framework, Coaching Support Teams and Regional Professional Development Centers coordinate with district and building administrators to schedule trainings.  A CST consultant or team of consultants work with a building or district to deliver trainings throughout the year to faculty and staff. In addition to training delivered in person, an online portal provides online guided training to all PD participants. Read more by clicking here.


After receiving training on one or more of the available professional development modules, educators should begin to apply skills and knowledge learned from the training with coaching support. Through coaching, educators receive job-embedded guidance, observation, and feedback, and are supported as the transfer of new skills to classroom practice occurs (Bush, 1984; Joyce & Showers 1982, 1981). Read more by clicking here.