Remember, an ETLP may be selected by the DLT, BLT, CT or in some instances the individual teacher. The following steps will help teachers set specific, measureable, achievable, relevant/rigorous, and time bound (SMART) goals for ongoing monitoring (Doran, 1981):

  1. Use Self-Assessment and Practice Profile results
  2. Choose a single ETLP (or use the assigned ETLP) and select ONE Essential Function for that ETLP
  3. Identify desired level of use of the ETLP
  4. Determine what data to use to progress monitor
  5. Identify the desired student outcome of increased or sustained use of the ETLP
Practice Profile with Proficient criteria circled.  An arrow points to the Essential Function statement.

Focusing on one Essential Function will ensure you have a manageable plan for implementaton. Goal setting, clear steps and progress monitoring, allows teachers to clearly see they are making progress.

For example, to demonstrate proficiency in the ETLP of Classroom Expectations and Rules, Essential Function 1The language of the classroom expectations reflects the language of the schoolwide expectations: a teacher might begin focusing at the proficient level with the critera “The written expectations for my classroom align with our schoolwide expectations”. The teacher will set a goal and determine how they will monitor progress, including a plan that outlines;

A realistice timeline

  •  2 weeks? 4 weeks? Longer?

Any support that might be needed.

  • Supplies, instruction, schoolwide handbook, etc.?

The  evidence that will demonstrate meeting the goal.

Possible evidence might include:

  • Posted classroom expectations with headings consistent with schoolwide expectations.
  • Language of expectations consistent with context and content area
  • Communication with other grade-level teachers, special educators, paraprofessionals, and other related service providers about the classroom expectations (grade-level meeting notes, etc.)
  • Engaging in specific, observable behaviors such as delivery of positive specific feedback for expected behavior, specific corrective feedback for unexpected behaviors, opportunities to respond (OTRs), etc.

Self-monitor delivery of the ETLP

  • Use of a golf stroke counter kept in pocket
  • Moving paperclips, pennies or other small items from one pocket to the other
  • Tally on a post-it note