Topic Progress:

Active Supervision is essential to implementing SW-PBS and creating effective learning environments. Once you have clarified and taught expectations, it is crucial to monitor students closely by way of active supervision, providing feedback, both positive and corrective, on how student behavior aligns with your expectations. When behavior errors occur, they should be addressed efficiently and effectively to minimize disruption.As such, active supervision is closely related to, or integrated with, the first four classroom practices. It supports instructional time, but also increases student engaged time.


Supervision allows you to monitor learning and to identify students who may have questions or need your assistance. Monitoring students closely is the way you are most likely to know if students are meeting your expectations. Just as importantly, active supervision provides an opportunity to establish positive relationships.

Active supervision can increase student task engagement. We know that when adults are present and actively supervising, student behavior is more likely to be appropriate (Simonsen, et al., 2008). It is human nature. Consider adult behavior observing traffic regulations when a law enforcement officer is visible in the vicinity – increased use of signals, more likely to obey speed limits, and generally more conscientious. Students are more likely to demonstrate expected behavior, including participation in the lesson, when the teacher is visible and monitoring the classroom.

Students Looking forward, while teacher stands in the back of the room.