Topic Progress:


What Does Collaboration Look Like?

Effective Data Teams…

  • Set regular meeting times and hold that time “sacred.”
  • Create and follow an agenda.
  • Define and use roles within meetings.
  • Implement shared leadership for meetings by shifting and sharing roles.
  • Are accountable by coming prepared and being familiar with the data.

Watch this collaborative data meeting as they discuss formative data.

MMD/DCI Poplar Bluff DBDM from Beth Tobin – Life Events Studio on Vimeo.

  • What are three elements of effective data teams (from above) this team uses as they discuss their data?
  • What reflections/questions do you have after watching the team meeting?
  • Why is it important the team uses collaborative strategies as they move through the data analysis process?
  • What are some next steps your team might incorporate to work more collaboratively?


Data Reflections

Using the data you gathered at the beginning of this module, walk through the steps of preparing for a data meeting.

Skim your data and then reflect on the following.

  • Is the data summative or formative?
  • List at least 5 skills or types of knowledge students drew upon to complete the assessment.
  • Based on the data, what initial assumptions can you make about what students know and do not know?
  • Fill in a t-chart like the one pictured below.
Based on the Data, What do Students Already Know?What are Some Common Issues, Problems, or Misconceptions in Students’ Learning?