Topic Progress:


Watch the video Observation & Feedback: Six Steps to Effective Feedback (Uncommon Schools, 2012) (3:34 min.)

  • What are some strengths in how this coach provides feedback?
  • How was positive feedback used?
  • How did feedback prompt the person being coached to deeper thinking?
  • What are some other strategies she might have used?


What Does Exemplary Implementation of Essential Function 2 Look Like?

Educators provide effective feedback by

  • providing informal positive feedback, immediately after the session;
  • using specific, descriptive, and actionable verbal feedback;
  • using specific, descriptive and actionable written feedback;
  • starting with positive feedback focusing on specific examples that indicate strengths of practice;
  • reaffirming the positive, then mutually addressing growth elements with specific language and examples; and
  • celebrating growth within the practices.


Download the School-Based Implementation Coaching Practice Profile

What steps can you take right now to improve your use of feedback?

Reflect on your current knowledge and fluency with Essential Function 2 – Providing Effective Feedback, then determine possible next steps, including,

  • selecting which of the criteria for Essential Function 2 to practice,
  • selecting which of the 7 tools to practice,
  • considering what structures need to change so that feedback can be provided more timely,
  • outlining steps to providing difficult feedback, and
  • considering how to celebrate growth in practice.