Topic Progress:


In order to provide leadership for the development, implementation, and evaluation of universal procedures in the entire building for all students and staff the SW-PBS Leadership Team must have protected time to work as a team.


Team meeting frequency will vary somewhat as you are preparing for, implementing, and finally sustaining your practices. During initial development or preparation, it is important for the SW-PBS Leadership Team to meet frequently. At a minimum, teams should meet once per month, with additional meetings scheduled as needed to achieve your goals and planning needs.

It is recommended that your meetings be entered on the school master calendar early in the school year so other activities do not crowd out these important meetings.

Additionally, teams are encouraged to schedule the length of meetings so as to allow ample uninterrupted time to plan; at least an hour is ideal.

Schools often schedule meetings before or after school, on early-release days, or at a time during the day when all or most share a common planning time; in some cases, substitutes could be scheduled as necessary. Some schools occasionally “retreat” to allow longer, uninterrupted planning time. Creative scheduling helps to provide the time necessary to ensure positive outcomes for your school.

The time commitment to participate on a SW-PBS Leadership Team sometimes goes beyond the normal responsibilities of staff members. While respected professionals often make such a commitment gladly without thought of compensation, some consideration should be given to how to support team members for their commitment and work. This might include:

  • Arranging meeting times and hiring substitutes for a portion of the day when meetings are held.
  • Meeting outside of regular school hours with extra pay.
  • Arranging for additional preparation time by periodically
    supervising team members’ classes for them.
  • Relieving participating team members of other duties such as bus supervision, recess duty, cafeteria supervision, etc.