Topic Progress:


Course: Check-In, Check-Out (CICO) Lesson: CICO Plans for Self-Management, Fading & Graduation from Missouri SW-PBS on Vimeo.

Read the transcript of the video here.


pdf-icon 1.Student Graphs Fading Candidates

Word 2.CICO Intervention Development Checklist

Word 3.Teaching Self-Management Fading Graduation

Word 4.Fading Process Examples


pdf-icon  Topic in Action

Pause & Reflect #1

  • What will be your criteria for considering a student for self-management and fading?
  • How often will your team consider candidates for fading?

Refer to The “Plans for Self-Management, Fading, & Graduation” section of the Check-In, Check-Out Intervention Development Checklist to determine your criteria for beginning the self-management and fading phases of CICO.

Pause & Reflect #2

Review the “Teach Self-Management” section of the Teaching Self-Management Fading Graduation handout.

  • Who will teach the student, teacher, and family about the specifics of self-management?
  • Will students be able to earn rewards for accuracy and honesty? What will those be?
  • How will teacher and student DPR data be analyzed to determine the agreement of scores?

Refer to the “Plans for Self-Management, Fading, & Graduation” section of the Check-In, Check-Out Intervention Development Checklist to plan your next steps in developing your system for teaching self-management to students prior to fading CICO.

Pause & Reflect #3

Review the “Fade Teacher Feedback” section of the Teaching Self-Management Fading Graduation handout.

  • What will be your system for fading students from CICO?
  • Who will teach the student, teacher, and family the specifics about fading?

Refer to the “Plans for Self-Management, Fading, & Graduation” section of the Check-In, Check-Out Intervention Development Checklist to plan your next steps in developing your system for fading a student from CICO.

Pause & Reflect #4

Review the “Plan a Graduation” section of the Teaching Self-Management Fading Graduation handout.

  • When will graduation be held – as there are graduates or on a quarterly basis?
  • What will be your graduation procedures?
  • What supports will be available for students after graduation?
  • How will you check on those students who have graduated?
  • Will you provide periodic rewards or incentives to graduates?

Refer to the “Plans for Self-Management, Fading, & Graduation” section of the Check-In, Check-Out Intervention Development Checklist to determine your next steps in planning for CICO graduation.


pdf-icon  Topic in Practice

There is one topic in practice embedded in the video. Review the four student graphs in the Student Graphs Fading Candidates handout. Decide whether or not each student is an appropriate candidate to begin the fading process. When you are finished, resume the video to check your answers.