Topic Progress:


Transcript of the video


pdf-icon 1. Missouri Middle School Office Managed Behaviors

Word 2. SWIS Office Referral Definitions

Word 3. Office-Managed Behaviors

Word 4. Preschool Office Behavioral Report

Word 5. Elementary Office Discipline Referral Form

Word 6. High School Office Discipline Referral Form


Pause & Reflect #1

With your team, read through the example definitions of office-managed behaviors provided in the handouts titled, Missouri Middle School Office Managed Behaviors and SWIS Office Referral Definitions, and determine the behaviors that should be office-managed for your school using the Office-Managed Behaviors handout provided. Then practice defining one or two of the major behaviors you have listed to ensure thorough understanding by all staff and consistency in using office referrals.

Once you have an idea about what office-managed behavior may look like, discuss how you will work with your staff to complete the process of identifying and defining office-managed behavior.

Pause & Reflect #2

With your team, review your current office discipline referral form. Does it include these essential items?

  1. Student name
  2. Referring staff name
  3. Date of incident
  4. Time of incident
  5. Inappropriate behavior with designation of office-managed or staff-managed
  6. Location of incident
  7. Others involved
  8. Possible motivation
  9. Administrative decision
  • How does it need to be revised?
  • Who will be responsible for completing the revisions?

Preschool, Elementary, and high school ODR form examples are provided in the handouts. Access the ODR form applicable for your setting to assist you in your team discussion.