Topic Progress:


Transcript of the video


Word 1. Inappropriate Behavior Scenarios


Pause & Reflect #1

  • How consistently do staff in your building engage in active supervision and provide pre-corrects to students in order to prevent inappropriate behaviors from occurring?
  • How will you share information regarding these two preventive strategies with them?

Pause & Reflect #2

Consider the three indirect strategies (Proximity, Signal or Non-Verbal Cue, and Ignore/Attend/Praise)

  • Which of these strategies are your staff currently using?
  • What techniques do you already use and want to continue?
  • What could you add to your repertoire?
  • What behavior might you need to eliminate?
  • How can you share this with your building staff?

Pause & Reflect #3

Consider the four direct strategies (Re-Direct, Re-Teach, Provide Choice, and Student Conference).

  • Which of these strategies are your staff currently using?
  • What techniques do you already use and want to continue?
  • What could you add to your repertoire?
  • What behavior might you need to eliminate?
  • How can you share this with your building staff?

Pause & Reflect #4

Read and reflect on each of the inappropriate behaviors provided in the Inappropriate Behavior Scenarios handout.

Answer two questions:

  • Which of the techniques or strategies would be best to use for each scenario?
  • Why?

Role-play each scene using that selected strategy and your school’s expectations or routines.

Pause & Reflect #5

Review the handout titled Missouri Middle School Discouraging Continuum.

  • How will you provide training for your staff on discouraging inappropriate behavior?
  • How might you depict your continuum of responses to inappropriate behavior?
  • Use the example to guide your discussion and help you build a visual representation of your continuum that you can take back to your staff as a draft for their input.