Topic Progress:

Here are the references for this lesson. If more references are needed, you can refer to the Reference section in the Missouri SW-PBS Tier 1 Team Workbook available on the Missouri SW-PBS website.

Dhaem, J. (2012). Responding to Minor Misbehavior through Verbal and Nonverbal Responses. Beyond Behavior, 21(3), 29-34. Gathercoal, F. (2004) Judicious Discipline (6th edition). San Francisco, CA: Caddo Gap Press.

Long, N. J., & Newman, R. G. (1980). Managing surface behavior of children in school. In N. J. Long, W. C. Morse, & R. G. Newman (Eds.), Conflict in the classroom: The education of children with problems (4th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

Maag, J. (2001). Management of surface behavior: A new look at an old approach. Counseling and Human Development. Love Publishing Co. 2001. High Beam Research