Topic Progress:

Here are the references for this lesson. If more references are needed, you can refer to the Reference section in the Missouri SW-PBS Tier 1 Team Workbook available on the Missouri SW-PBS website.

Colvin, G. (2007). 7 steps for developing a proactive school discipline plan: A guide for principals and leadership teams. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Costenbader, V., & Markson, S. (1998). School suspension: A study with secondary school students. Journal of School Psychology, 36, 59–82.

Gresham, F. M., Sugai, G., & Horner, R. H. (2001). Interpreting outcomes of social skills training for students with high-incidence disabilities. Exceptional Children, 67(3), 331-344.

Mayer, G.R., & Sulzer-Azaroff, B. (1990). Interventions for vandalism. In G. Stoner, M.R. Shinn, & H.M. Walker (Eds.), Interventions for achievement and behavior problems (monograph). Washington, DC: National Association of School Psychologists.

Skiba, R.J., Peterson, R.L., & Williams, T. (1997). Office referrals and suspension: Disciplinary intervention in middle schools. Education & Treatment of Children, 20(3), pp 295-316.