Topic Progress:

The Effective Teaching and Learning Practices can act as antecedents; meaning they set the stage, or trigger, appropriate behaviors and maximize the probability of student success. In addition, some of the practices function as consequences, or the resulting event or outcome that occurs immediately following the behavior and impacts future occurrence of the behavior.  Consequences serve to increase or decrease the future occurrence of a behavior.

A – B – C

Antecedent Behavior Consequence




Events that happen immediately before and trigger the behavior

An observable act. What the student does.

The resulting event or outcome that occurs immediately following the behavior.

Classroom expectations have been clarified and taught.

David enters the classroom, nods to other students, and looks at the bell work prompt.

Teacher uses positive specific feedback to recognize students who meet or exceed the expectation, including David, “Thank you for quietly getting started right away, David, that’s very responsible.”

Teacher uses prompts and pre-corrects to remind students to enter the classroom quietly and begin their bell work (an expectation under the heading of be responsible).

David takes out needed materials and begins work.

David completes his bell work and has time to draw for a few minutes before instruction begins.

Bell work prompt is clearly displayed and students have materials available.


Teacher greets students as they enter while actively
supervising the students in the classroom.


If David finds the positive adult attention and the few minutes of free time to be reinforcing, it is likely he will use this behavior more in the future.  If, however, David does not find the adult attention or unstructured time reinforcing, he may be less likely to engage in the same behavior in the future.  The only way to know for sure if a consequence is reinforcing to a student is to pay attention to future occurrences of the behavior after a specific consequence has occurred.

The following videos show examples of the teacher specifically using prompts and pre-corrects to make following expectations more likely:


Click this link to view a video with an elementary example:

Click this link to view another video with an elementary example:

Middle School

Click this link to view a video with a middle school example:

(Videos retrieved from June, 2019)