Topic Progress:

In subsequent sessions, you will learn more about the MO SW-PBS Effective Teaching and Learning Practices in more detail, providing a description and implementation features of each practice. Finally, there will be a lesson on monitoring use of these practices. Implementation of all eight of these Effective Teaching and Learning Practices by ALL teachers in your building is critical to the success and sustainability of SW-PBS in your building.

Collage of teachersEffective Classroom Practices

            1. Classroom Expectations & Rules
            2. Classroom Procedures & Routines
            3.  Encouraging Expected Behavior
            4. Discouraging Unexpected Behavior
            5. Active Supervision
            6. Opportunities to Respond
            7. Activity Sequencing & Choice
            8. Adjusting Task Difficulty

Lesson References

MO SW-PBS Tier 1 Team Workbook 2018-19

Reinke, W.M., Herman, K.C., & Stormont, M. (2013). Classroom-level positive behavior supports in schools implementing SW-PBIS: Identifying areas for enhancement. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 15(1), 39-50.

Scheuermann, B. K. and Hall, J. A. (2008).  Positive behavioral supports for the classroom. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall.

Sprick, R., Knight, J., Reinke, W. & McKale, T. (2006). Coaching classroom management: Strategies and tools for administrators and coaches. Eugene, OR:  Pacific Northwest Publishing.

Walberg, H. (1988). Synthesis of research on time and learning. Educational Leadership 45(6), 76-85.