Assessment capable learners ask: where am I now, where am I going, and how can I close the gap.

Assessment capable learners understand what they are supposed to learn, monitor their own progress, set goals, and reflect on their learning.

Educators who help their students become assessment capable learners have students who: know the learning target for a lesson, can describe where they are in relation to the criteria, and use that information to select learning strategies to improve their work.

Lesson Outcomes

This online learning package was developed for classroom teachers. Inside, you will discover:

  • What it means to be an assessment capable learner and the benefits of developing ACL.
  • How to use current practices as a starting point for next steps.

Reflective Questions

In the video linked below, three teachers talk about their roles in helping students to become assessment capable learners. As you listen to these teachers, think about how your role as a teacher is similar or different and in what ways. If teaching students to become assessment capable learners is a new approach for you, what do you anticipate will be easy for you to put in place and what will be challenging?

Also think about:

  • What does it mean to develop assessment capable learners?
  • How do you already implement pieces of assessment capable learners?
  • Where can you go from here?

Watch the video and check out the transcript at the original source by clicking here.