[one_half]Albert Einstein once said, “Insanity (is) doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Models in education have often epitomized Einstein’s statement—where teaching has occurred by using a one-size-fits-all approach or mentality that instruction which works for some should work for all. In the 21st century however, educators understand that data about teaching and learning is powerful for transforming such outdated and unreasonable approaches. In fact, using data to make informed instructional decisions is empowering for teachers, schools, parents and students!

“When information about students is provided in a timely, useful manner, every adult working with a child is able to support that student’s learning more effectively” (Data Quality Campaign, 2016).[/one_half]

[one_half last=”yes”]Data Can Help Every Student Excel

Watch the following video and ask yourself: How will using data to make instructional decisions help me? Help my students? Help my students’ families?



Using a Data Based Decision Making process shifts the work of school leadership teams from a reactive or crisis driven process to a pro-active, outcomes driven process, and sets the stage for continuous improvement. [ref]Gilbert, 1978; McIntosh, Horner & Sugai, 2009[/ref]

The primary purpose of data analysis is to improve instruction and in turn improve student learning. Getting started with using data to make decisions for instruction really begins with you—the teacher—and a committed group of other school professionals who are interested in becoming mindful and intentional about teaching and learning.

Watch the following two videos about the positive impacts schools, teachers and students have experienced as a result of data-based decision making.

Video Reflection Questions

What did you notice about the use of data presented in these two videos? Now consider the five key recommendations from “Using Student Data to Support Instructional Decision Making” (Institute of Education Sciences, 2009).

  • Make data part of an ongoing cycle if instructional improvement.
  • Teach students to examine their own data and create learning goals
  • Launch a school wide data process that involves a clear focus, team approach, and supportive data leadership
  • Build data support processes to cultivate a school-wide data-driven culture
  • Establish a district-wide data system

Reflect & Consider

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Use the Current Practice in Data Based Decision Making Rubric to self-assess, make notes and develop initial goals for using data to improve student learning.

Word Current Practice in Data Based Decision Making Rubric

Essential Question

  • How can I/we establish and sustain a process for strategic instructional decision making in my classroom, and across our team and building?