Set Time for Implementation

Teachers need time during the school day set aside for collaboration that includes:

  • Training/professional development
  • Data collection
  • Data analysis
  • Team planning

These examples represent events and activities for which teachers need job-embedded time reserved to attend and participate.  They are vital to constructing a well-functioning building. However, even though we may be aware these activities should happen, often setting aside time for them to occur may be overlooked.

Look at a copy of your master building schedule.  Highlight in a different color where each one of these is happening.

What do you notice? Is there a lot of team planning but little professional development occurring? How can you build time in for the gaps?

Establish Expectations

Many practitioners have identified these as non-negotiables in establishing expectations – What are they for your building?

  • Support, build and sustain a collaborative culture and climate through a collaborative process
  • Evaluate continuously, collectively and as individuals
  • Expect all new teachers to learn required material

Non-negotiables for the building should include development of the collaborative culture necessary to allow all staff to work together and help each other succeed. Continuous evaluation, not only as individual staff members but also as a building, is necessary to determine if practices are effective and know what adjustments are needed. The expectation for new teachers is that they will become part of the collaborative culture that has been established in the building.

What are the high expectations for my district? For my building? For the educators in my building?

How are these expectations infused into the culture and communicated across all levels of the system? How do you ensure expectations are communicated clearly?