Educational Surrogate Training

Step 1: View the Materials

Click the link below to download the training powerpoint and view the materials.

 Educational Surrogate Training

Step 2: Take the Quiz

You will be emailed detailed next steps when you receive 100% on the quiz. Instructions and link for the quiz are found in the training materials in step 1.

Step 3: Complete Application and Background Check

A link to the Background Check Document and more detailed instructions will be provided in the confirmation email mentioned in Step 2. Print, complete, and mail or fax the Educational Surrogate Application, below, and the Background Check Document to the address listed on the Educational Surrogate Application.

Click the link below to download the application.

 MO 500-1690 12-2018 Surrogate Application

Step 4: Approval

Once approved, a certificate will be generated by Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

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