This course provides instruction in Data-Based Decision-Making (DBDM) specifically as it relates to behavior. The initial lesson provides an overview of DBDM, generally. It is followed by lessons that provide specific guidance for DBDM at three levels of decision-making, for three different purposes:

  1. Schoolwide behavior team making decisions that affect all students in all settings;
  2. Grade or content alike collaborative teams integrating academic and behavior data to make decisions affecting students common to the grade or content alike team;
  3. Building or District Leadership Teams using data to set and achieve building and/or district improvement goals relating to school climate and student behavior.


By the end of this course, you will…

  • know how DBDM fits within the DCI Framework.
  • know and assess the prerequisites of DBDM.
  • understand the purpose of DBDM.
  • understand the essential features of any DBDM process.
  • review Office Discipline Referral (ODR) Data for Schoolwide Patterns.
  • analyze schoolwide ODR data to define context.
  • select targeted, evidence-based practices to address the problem.
  • review data to monitor and adjust plans.
  • evaluate plan success.
  • review the science of behavior, and how academic skills and behavior are interrelated.
  • review and analyze behavioral data to make decisions that improve academic and/or behavioral outcomes for students.
  • select evidence-based practices that address student needs identified from data analysis
  • monitor progress toward academic and/or behavioral goals.
  • evaluate effectiveness of interventions, and make decisions about next steps.
  • use data to identify needs and guide action planning to improve district or schoolwide behavior and climate.

Recommended Prerequisites

  • Academic Collaborative Team Professional Learning Module (PLM) on the DESE Virtual Learning Platform (VLP)

Reflective Questions

  •  What are the key features that make up good data-based decision making?
  • How can data-based decision-making improve outcomes for students in your organization?

Course Content