
This lesson describes the value of having classroom expectations and rules clarified and aligned to schoolwide expectations. The key to successful classroom management is prevention of problems before they occur. Clarifying specific expected behaviors/rules for the classroom is essential, and the same behaviors/rules that reduce classroom disruptions are clearly associated with increased student learning (Brophy & Evertson, 1976).

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the purpose of a classroom matrix.
  • Review the three to five schoolwide expectations that define success for all students and are applicable in all settings.
  • Create a matrix of specific behaviors/rules to further clarify each expectation for the

Reflective Questions

  • Do classrooms have a matrix with expected behaviors posted?
  • Is the matrix with expected classroom behaviors consistent with the schoolwide expectations (ex. respectful, responsible, safe)?
  • Is the classroom matrix posted in a prominent location in the classroom that will encourage teaching of the expected behaviors?

Defining Terms

Expectations: define the valued behaviors and goals in your school.  Expectations are the qualities you want all members of your school community to possess and display (e.g., respectful, responsible, etc.)

Behaviors/Rules: specifies how members of the school community will meet the expectations.  They are the context and location specific actions we use to show the valued qualities in the expectations.  For example, to be respectful, we listen when others are speaking and use kind words in our conversations.

Matrix: a document organizing Expectations and Behaviors/Rules by setting in a grid.