Topic Progress:

Lesson Summary

During this lesson, you learned about the need for high rates of positive adult attention in response to appropriate student behavior. Non-contingent and contingent attention were presented as two types of adult attention that have a positive impact on interactions in schools. This attention, paired with preferred adult behaviors, creates a positive school climate and promotes effective interactions between teachers and students when talking about behavior.

Next Step Question(s)

  • How can you share what you have learned about teacher attention and preferred adult behaviors with your staff?

Next steps include updating your Tier 1 Action Plan. Develop action steps and a timeline of completion for working with staff on the importance of providing positive attention to appropriate behavior and beginning to consider ways to increase the use of encouragement in your school.

Items to Submit to Consultant


For More Information

Additional information about Encouraging Expected Behavior can be found in Chapter 5 of the Missouri SW-PBS Tier 1 Team Workbook which can be found at

Next Lesson

When you are ready, continue to the next lesson, Specific Positive Feedback, where you will learn how to provide effective, contingent attention that is essential to change and sustain behavior.