Topic Progress:

How to Create Effective Procedures

  1. Identify the desired outcome of the procedure.
  2. Sequentially list each step required to complete. an activity (each step must contain an observable action to be performed by the student).
  • Describe what to do, when to do and how to do it.
  • Think of the errors students typically make before, during and after an activity when identifying the steps to include in the procedure.

Everyday Procedures

You can think about everyday procedures as a model for creating your classroom procedures.  What are some things people do regularly that require following a particular procedure? Think about the procedure for depositing funds at the ATM. (retrieved from )

Flow chart showing process for making atm deposits.  1. choose the on-screen option for deposits, 2. choose the accoutn you want to deposit to, 3. enter the amount of your deposit if necessary, 4. insert the envelope, checks, or cash into the atm, 5. get a receipt.

Most people who use the ATM quickly learn the procedure, and it becomes a routine.  Each future visit becomes easier, until the user is fluent with the procedure, and can perform it reliably and accurately every time.

When planning to make classroom procedures routine, so students can reliably perform as expected, keep these examples in mind.  The ATM infographic is clear, simple, and communicates the most important steps for success.

What are your current procedures for classroom transitions?

Transition routines are important for all classrooms, but may have characteristics specific to your context that make them unique to your classroom or grade level.

Thinking about your current classroom, what procedures do you have in place for transitions?  Do you have a signal for students to move, dismiss groups of students at a time, have a timer or other signal for how quickly the transition should occur?

Think about the following transition times and consider your current procedure, and whether there is anything you would change.

  • Entering the classroom
  • Moving from whole group instruction to independent work time
  • Getting in small groups
  • End of class

The videos linked below show examples of teachers reminding students about the procedure for transitions.

This elementary example shows a transition back from recess:

This high school example shows a transition back from recess:

(Videos retrieved from June, 2019)