Collaborative Teams

In 1989, Dr. Stephen R. Covey released his revolutionary book entitled The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, in which he describes the benefits of creative cooperation where teams of people work together to discover new solutions to old problems.

Data-Based Decision Making

Data-based decision making is a problem-solving process for improving teaching and learning. Educators implement the DBDM process primarily in collaborative teams. Analysis, reflection and revision activities within the DBDM process promote and inform instructional planning to foster increased student achievement.

Common Formative Assessment

Assessing student progress is an important part of effective teaching and learning. Traditional assessments have been used to “test” students at the end of an established time of teaching. Such summative assessments provide information of learning.

Developing Assessment Capable Learners

Assessment capable learners are students who:

  1. Know the learning target for a lesson.
  2. Can describe where they are in relation to the criteria.
  3. Use that information to select learning strategies to improve their work.


Metacognition is thinking about thinking. Metacognitive practices help students learn how to gain active control over the cognitive processes engaged in learning.


Leaders who have a high impact on student outcomes understand the need to focus on learning and the impact of learning and believe their fundamental task is to evaluate the effect of everyone on student learning.