Topic Progress:

Lesson Summary

During this lesson, you learned general considerations for responding to inappropriate behavior and a continuum of instructional strategies for responding to staff-managed behavior.

Next Step Question(s)

  • How will you ensure that all staff have adequate training on responding to staff-managed “minor” behavior?
  • How will you engage staff in the development of a continuum, or flowchart, of response strategies?

Next steps include updating your Tier 1 Action Plan. Develop action steps and a timeline of completion for training all staff on the instructional strategies for responding to staff-managed behavior and developing your continuum, or flow chart, of response strategies.

Items to Submit to Consultant

When you have completed developing a continuum, or flow chart, of response strategies for your building, please submit it to your MO SW-PBS Tier 1 Consultant.

For More Information

Additional information about Staff-Managed Behaviors can be found in Chapter 6 of the Missouri SW-PBS Tier 1 Team Workbook which can be found at

Next Lesson

When you are ready, continue to the next lesson, Using Additional Consequences, where you will learn how to select and strategically use additional consequences.