Topic Progress:

Lesson Summary

During this lesson, you learned about the process of further defining your schoolwide expectations and creating your matrix of specific behaviors/rules for every setting in your school. You can now answer the question, “What does [respect, responsibility, best effort, etc.] look like in all settings, in our [hallways, cafeteria, playground, commons, etc.] and in our classrooms?”

Next Step Question(s)

How will you engage staff, students and families in creating a matrix of behaviors/rules?

Next steps include updating your Tier 1 Action Plan. Develop action steps and a timeline for completion of your schoolwide matrix.

Items to Submit to Consultant

When you have completed your schoolwide matrix, please submit it to your MO SW-PBS Tier 1 Consultant.  

For More Information

Additional information about Creating a Matrix of Behaviors/Rules can be found in Chapter 3 of the Missouri SW-PBS Tier 1 Team Workbook which can be found at

Next Lesson

When you are ready, continue to the next lesson, Developing Non-Classroom Procedures, where you will learn the process for defining schoolwide procedures.