Topic Progress:


Course: Clarifying Expected Behavior Lesson: Creating a Matrix from Missouri SW-PBS on Vimeo.

Read the transcript of the video here.


Word 1. Missouri School Example Procedures List

Word 2. NonClassroom Procedure Worksheet


Pause & Reflect #1

  • What are some non-classroom procedures that are currently absent or ineffective in your building that are needed to facilitate teaching and supervision?
  • Document these needed procedures on the left column titled “Non-Classroom Procedure” of the handout, “NonClassroom Procedures Worksheet”.

Pause & Reflect #2

  • Discuss and identify people who will draft new or review and revise existing procedures for the non-classroom settings you identified previously.
  • Document this information in the middle column titled “People to Draft or Review/Revise Current Procedures” of the handout, NonClassroom Procedures Worksheet. Assign a team member to guide/lead this work and list their name in the “Team Member to Coordinate” right column.
  • Consider how might you also include students and families in developing non-classroom procedures.

Pause & Reflect #3

  • What process will you put into place to get full staff consensus on non-classroom procedures? How will the non-classroom procedures be shared with teachers, staff, students, and families?


Posting info for video examples, scenarios, as applicable

There is a topic in practice embedded within the video that shares how a team could engage all staff in the process of developing non-classroom procedures.