Topic Progress:

Recommended process for determining where to begin:

Team Approach: A team discussion is recommended.  Team members should include the professional development provider as well as a building team consisting of the principal as well as educators.  District leadership representatives are also encouraged to participate in the discussion.

Follow-up to Collaborative Work Introduction & Overview Presentation:  Teams will be able to more quickly move through the Getting Started discussion if they are familiar with the focus, terminology, and expectations of Missouri Collaborative Work.

Data-driven conversation:  Ideally, data and/or other artifacts are used to support the Getting Started conversation.  However, if schools are beginning the work, then data or artifacts may not be readily available.  If data or artifacts are not available, then do not assume implementation is occurring.

Use time wisely.  Presenting the Collaborative Work Introduction and Overview plus working through the Getting Started Guide should take approximately 1 hour, not including the time needed for gathering required and recommended data and artifacts.

Be sequential.  The sections of this guide are in a purposeful sequence to help teams determine their professional development needs. At the end of the guide is a summary worksheet for noting professional development next steps.