Meaningful Learning Targets help students to become more effective decision makers. Knowing learning targets helps students know where they’re headed and to take responsibility for getting there.

“Learning targets, as their name implies, guide learning. They describe, in language that students understand, the lesson-sized chunk of information, skills, and reasoning processes that students will come to know deeply. We write learning targets from the students’ point of view and share them throughout today’s lesson so that students can use them to guide their own learning.”

Lesson Outcomes

  • Understand how to develop clear and meaningful learning targets to guide instruction and student learning.
    • Determine Unit of Study.
    • Identify Standard Selected for Assessment.
    • Unwrap Standard Selected for Assessment.
    • Write Big Ideas.
    • Write Essential Questions.

Recommended Prerequisites

  • Common Formative Assessment: Overview and Purpose of Assessment

Reflective Questions

  • How do we use targets to guide instruction?
  • How do we use targets to help students guide their own learning?