Topic Progress:


Every educator must understand the principles of sound assessment and must be able to apply those principles as a matter of routine in doing their work.  Accurate assessment is not possible unless and until educators are given the opportunity to become assessment literate.  (They) must understand student achievement expectations and how to transform those expectations into accurate assessment exercises and scoring procedures (Ainsworth & Viegut, 2006).


What is Assessment Literacy?

The ability to understand the different purposes and types of assessment in order to select the most appropriate type of assessment to meet a specific purpose (Ainsworth & Viegut, 2006).

Understanding different types of assessment and their purposes is important, since often students show their understanding and skills in a variety of ways (Ainsworth & Viegut, 2006).

Carol Ann Tomlinson stated, “Fruitful assessment often poses the question ‘what is an array of ways I can offer students to demonstrate their understanding and skills?’ In this way, assessment becomes a part of teaching for success and a way to extend rather than merely measure learning.”

What evidence do we need that students have met our stated purpose(s)?

Assessment Types

Knowledge, skills and processes can be measured by using a variety of test item types: selected response, constructed response and performance tasks.

Selected Response Assessments

Require students to select one or more correct responses from a provided list.

Constructed Response Assessments

Require students to organize and use knowledge and skills.

Performance Tasks

Require students to construct, create, or perform.