What does it look like when data teams come together?

Watch an example of a data team discussion.

Now consider each step in the process.

Step 1: Collect and Chart data

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What data are you currently collecting and charting? What types of data do you think you need to be collecting/charting?

[two_third]Data influences decisions that guide the instruction for adults and students.[ref]Hamilton,, 2009; Horner, Sugai, Todd 2001; Means, Chen, DeBarger & Padilla 2011; Newton, Horner, Algozzine, Todd, & Algozzine, 2009[/ref] Charting data creates visuals that delineate current status in the classroom,[ref]Horner, Sugai, & Todd, 2001[/ref] and leads to higher student achievement.[ref]Reeves, 2009[/ref] DBDM Teams gather and display data from [popover title=”Common Formative Assessment” title_bg_color=”” content=”An assessment typically created collaboratively by a team of teachers responsible for the same grade level or course. Common formative assessments are used frequently throughout the year to identify (1) individual students who need additional time and support for learning, (2) the teaching strategies most effective in helping students acquire the intended knowledge and skills, (3) curriculum concerns—areas in which students generally are having difficulty achieving the intended standard—and (4) improvement goals for individual teachers and the team. – DuFour, R., DuFour, R., Eaker, R., & Many, T. (2010).” content_bg_color=”” bordercolor=”” textcolor=”” trigger=”hover” placement=”” class=”” id=””]Common Formative Assessment[/popover] results. The data is disaggregated into predetermined groupings to guide instruction for adults and students in order to meet Learning Objectives.

Steps for collecting and charting data.

  1. Each teacher will administer a CFA. This data could be from a pre-assessment CFA or any CFA administered within the “Unit of Study” and used to guide instructional changes.
  2. Each teacher will score the CFA using the Common [popover title=”Scoring Guide/Rubric” title_bg_color=”” content=”A coherent set of criteria for students’ work that includes descriptions of levels of performance quality on the criteria. – Brookhart, S. M. (2013).” content_bg_color=”” bordercolor=”” textcolor=”” trigger=”hover” placement=”” class=”” id=””]Scoring Guide/Rubric[/popover] for the purpose of placement into student learning categories.
  3. Each teacher will chart the results on the “Teacher Chart” from his/her individual classroom and turn into the Team Leader.
  4. The Team Leader will compile group data using the “Team Chart” for the DBDM meeting.
  5. Team Leader will share the group data during the DBDM meeting. This format (paper or electronic) can be determined by each team.

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Next Steps

Assess your team/building current knowledge and implementation fluency with Collect & Chart, then determine possible next steps, including:

[checklist icon=”fa-check-square-o” iconcolor=”#12436f” circle=”no” circlecolor=”” size=”16px” class=”” id=””]
[li_item icon=”fa-check-square-o”]Decide what format will your team/building utilize (electronic or hard copy).[/li_item]
[li_item icon=”fa-check-square-o”]Plan for hands on training so that all teachers know how to chart their student data.[/li_item]
[li_item icon=”fa-check-square-o”]Establish who will collate the team data and consider if they will need training as well.[/li_item]
[li_item icon=”fa-check-square-o”]Establish dates for submitting and for sharing collated data.[/li_item]
[li_item icon=”fa-check-square-o”]Identify specific ways your team will want/need data to be disaggregated.[/li_item]

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What does exemplary implementation of Collect and Chart Data look like?

Essential Function: Educators collect, chart, analyze and disaggregate student learning data.

  • >90% of teachers administer common formative assessment and use common scoring method to evaluate student proficiency.
  • >90% of teachers share charted class data with the data team prior to meeting.
  • Sums and percentages are correct.
  • Results are disaggregated into 4 proficiency groups according to specific school needs (e.g., specific subgroups).
  • Results are available electronically to all team members and administration at all times.

Word Download the Data-Based Decision Making Practice Profile[/fullwidth]


What step can you take to start or improve collecting and charting the data you need right now?