Topic Progress:

Lesson Summary

During this lesson, you learned initial steps to develop cultural competence personally, as a team, and with your staff. You also learned ways to culturally adapt your Tier 2 systems and Check-In, Check-Out to make them appropriate for diverse cultural, religious, linguistic, and socioeconomic backgrounds.

Next Step Question(s)

Next steps include assessing your Tier 2 systems and CICO program for cultural appropriateness and making necessary adaptations. Determine what information from this lesson you will share with your staff. How will it be shared, when will it be shared, and who will share it?

This is the final CICO lesson; you have now completed the Check-In Check-Out Course. When you are ready, pilot CICO with a small number (3-5) of students before scaling up. This will allow you to make necessary adjustments before full implementation.

Review the following next steps to determine their level of completion and plan what professional development you need to provide to your staff.

  • Update your Tier 2 Action Plan. Develop action steps and a timeline for completion to:
  • Finalize planning for the implementation of Check-In, Check-Out as outlined on the Check-In, Check-Out Intervention Development Checklist and as described in Course 5, Check-In, Check-Out.
  • Pilot CICO with a small number of staff, students, and families.
  • Identify and train additional facilitators as needed.
  • Develop a thorough written description of Check-In, Check-Out using the Intervention Essential Features Template and the Intervention Essential Features Rubric.

Items to Submit to Consultant

When these items are complete, please submit to your consultant:

  • CICO Intervention Development Checklist
  • CICO Intervention Essential Features (if not previously submitted)
  • Updated Tier 2 Action Plan

For More Information

Additional information about Check-In, Check-Out can be found in Chapter 5 of the Missouri SW-PBS Tier 2 Team Workbook which can be found at

Next Lesson

When you are ready, continue with the course for the next Tier 2 Intervention you want to develop. It is recommended that you successfully pilot and scale up CICO before planning a second intervention.