Topic Progress:


Course: Check-In, Check-Out (CICO) Lesson:  CICO Adaptations for Preschool Implementation from Missouri SW-PBS on Vimeo.

Read the transcript of the video here.


Word 1. PAWS Club Report

pdf-icon 2. Preschool DPR Kindness Chart

Word 3. Preschool DPR with Pictures


pdf-icon Topic in Action

Pause & Reflect #1

  • Will CICO be implemented program-wide or class-wide in your context?
  • Are Tier 1 systems, data, and practices in place with fidelity? How do you know?
  • Is there administrative support for CICO implementation?
  • What professional development will your staff need?

Pause & Reflect #2

  • If you will be implementing program-wide, who is available to serve as the coordinator?
  • Who can be the facilitators for checking-in and checking-out?
  • What training will your coordinator and facilitators need?

Information about CICO Coordinator and Facilitator responsibilities can be found in the CICO Program Design lesson.

Pause & Reflect #3

Review the PAWS Club Report, Preschool DPR with Pictures, and Preschool DPR Kindness Chart handouts.

  • What pictures could you use to illustrate your expectations?
  • Will you use emoticons or a color-coding system?

Information about key features of a DPR can be found in the CICO Daily Progress Report lesson.

Pause & Reflect #4

  • Who will serve on your team that reviews CICO data and makes decisions based on that data?
  • Do you have someone with behavioral expertise who can be a member of your team?

Pause & Reflect #5

  • Do you currently have a nomination process that allows teachers and parents to make a referral?
  • How will you ensure that when a referral is received, the team will discuss: 1) if the behaviors are atypical and 2) if the student needs additional teaching and practice before starting a more intensive intervention such as CICO?